It’s become something of a cliché that the heaviest bands with the most violent mosh pits and the most illegible band logos are typically composed of some of the nicest and most caring, down-to-earth people in the world. It’s absolutely true, especially in The Acacia Strain’s case. Fresh off a recent release of two brand new tracks (along with their most recent LP, It Comes in Waves, being released in 2019), The Acacia Strain took over the Empire Control Room in Austin, Texas along with Rotting Out, Creeping Death, Chamber, and Fuming Mouth. The clear message of the night was, “We are all angry, we are all hurting, we are all trying our best to get by, but this heavy music and these violent shows are what give us life and keep us waking up every day.”

Lead vocalist, Vincent Bennett, directly addressed the audience early on, stating he’s been in the band for 19 years, exactly one half of his entire life. Why? Because being in this band is the only thing that makes him feel right, and feel whole. It’s honestly inspiring hearing someone speak this passionately about their work, and the audience was definitely moved by his candid words of struggle and pain, and how music and these types of heavy, violent shows are what help bring light into the darkness. Perhaps as an outsider, this would seem confusing: how can running for your life in a death defying circle pit make your depression and anxiety any less crippling? But, you know what? It does, and an entire swarm of hot, sweaty, smiling humans proves it. I saw just as many happy faces as I saw devil horns and fists, and I think that is the epitome of what hardcore/heavy music in general brings to its audience - catharsis. The band performed for about an hour, from all over their discography, and seemed to truly relish a tour date where the crowd was THIS energized. Frontman for direct opener, Rotting Out, said, “We’re three songs in and this is already the best show of the tour.”

As the crowd dispersed after the show, I called my Uber, lit a cigarette, and thought about what I had just seen. As a musician, The Acacia Strain is clearly an incredibly gifted, technical band. As a photographer, The Acacia Strain puts on one hell of a performance that their audience truly gets to lose themselves inside of. But, simply as a music obsessive, they are just sick. This show was sick, but now I’m going to go wash my hands…